Project information
E-learning in the Semantic Web Context
- Project Identification
- 1ET208050401
- Project Period
- 7/2004 - 12/2008
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Information society (National programme of research)
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Keywords
- e-learning, semantic web, natural language processing, presonalized systems, adaptive systems, assistive technologies
The main goal of the proposed project is of the develop methodologies and technical means for supporting electronically aided education using Semantic Web, with focus on integration of natural language processing (NLP) methods, adaptive and personalized systems. Priorities of the first phase include integration of legacy NLP applications: search engines with morphology, Wordnet automated document classification and similarity estimation, extraction of keywords, indexes, abstracts, finding related materials in digital libraties, infosources and on the web. Research in storing, indexing and querying over heavily interlinked document systems, their adaptivity and personalization will follow. In the next phase, the project will study techniques for data mining on test results data and/or automated feedback construction possibly including error corpus.
The tools developed during the project will be published in open-source and/or offered as web service.
Total number of publications: 94
An E-learning 2.0 Environment - Principles, Technology and Prototype
Journal of Universal Computer Science, year: 2006, volume: 2006, edition: I-KNOW
CESNET Conference 2006, First CESNET Conference on Advanced Communications and Grids
Year: 2006, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Efektivní metody vedení závěrečných prací
sborník Technologie pro e-vzdělávání, year: 2006
E-learning - jen obsah? + Služby Web 2.0 v podpoře vzdělávání
Year: 2006, type: Workshop
E-learning 2.0: Methodology, Technology, and Solutions
Proceedings of the International Conference ICT in Education, year: 2006
E-learning v kontextu moderních trendů v síti Internet
Technologie pro e-vzdělávání 2006, year: 2006
Moderní metodiky, technologie a nástroje pro podporu výuky (E-learning 2.0)
Sborník příspěvků 3. letní škola aplikované informatiky, year: 2006
Performance Solution of SOA Infrastructure for Knowledge Computing
Journal on Universal Knowledge Management (J.UKM)., year: 2006, volume: 3/2006, edition: 9
Platforma pro pesonalizaci standardizovaných výukových materiálů
SCO 2006, year: 2006
Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference, GWC 2006, Seogwipo, Korea, January 22-26, 2006
Year: 2006, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal