Project information
Bioethics – new course for student sof the Civic education

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2008 - 12/2008
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
bioethics, Civic education, biology, medicine, health

Very important part sof the contemporary diskurs (experts and Citizen too) are the bioethical guestions. Bioethics is critical examination of the moral dimensions of decision-making in health-related contexts and in kontext involving the biologicalsciences. Modern teacher of Civics need a Essentials informations from major problem areas of this discipline - death and dying, euthanasia, newborns preservativ, transplantations, research on human subjects, genetics engineering, patient´s Rights etc. Outputs of project: new basic course Bioethics (lectures for student sof Civic Education), textbook, 2 theoretical papers (didactical point of view).


Very important parts of the contemporary diskurs (experts and Citizens too) are the bioethical problems. Bioethics is a critical examination of the moral dimension of decision-making in health related contexts and in contextc involving the biological science. Modern teacher of Civics need a essentials informations from major problem areas of this discipline - death and dying, euthanasia, newborns preservation, transplantations, research on human subjects, genetics engineering, patient´s Rights atc.
Outputs of project: new basic course "Bioethics" (lectures for students Masaryk university Brno, esp. Civic education), textbook (Jemelka, P., Bioetika. MU Brno 2008, 68 p., ISBN 978-80-210-4626-9), 4 theoretical papers (didactical point of view)


Total number of publications: 2

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