Mgr. Bc. Oxana Truhlářová, Ph.D.
Department of Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, MU
Oxana Truhlářová specializes in comparative linguistics, with a focus on the analysis of morphology and syntax of Russian and Czech. In her research work, she focuses on identifying similarities and differences between these languages in historical and contemporary contexts. In 2018, she led a project that resulted in a mobile app for teaching Russian, specifically for practicing Cyrillic. Together with Anastasia Sokolova, she also published Russian grammar exercise books for beginners (A1 and A2 level). Her work not only contributes to the improvement of language education, but also to the popularization of science, including in the field of language didactics. Truhlářová is also the recipient of a Career Restart grant, which supports the return of women scientists to scientific activity after a career break, which is crucial for equal opportunities in the scientific sphere. Find out more in our interview with her: Return to science: How the Career Restart grant helps women scientists to continue their careers.