Study Abroad Guide

  • 1. Before departure

    Before departure

    Every student who is undertaking a stay abroad for more than 14 days is obliged to register this stay in the MU Information System (hereinafter "IS"), in the Internships, Study and Work Placements section. The registration of the stay includes information on the length and location of the stay (country, institution), the type of stay and the name of the programme under which the student is going abroad.

    After the placement has been established in the IS, the student is obliged to attach an electronic version of a fully completed and signed (at least by MU) Learning Agreement or Training Agreement to this record (see Article 3 and Article 7 of Rector's Directive No. 8/2011). On the basis of this document, the dates of the placement will be recorded in the IS in the Mgr. Radek Pospíšil, Ph.D. (this record is made automatically after the scanned documents are inserted, use the contact e-mail only in case of discrepancies or other problems related to the stay).

    Study contracts and internship contracts are approved and signed by authorized persons in the departments.

    Erasmus+ Study Placements Europe

    • Length of stay 3-12 months
      • 27 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden)
      • European Economic Area countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein)
      • also Turkey, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Switzerland

    The student chooses from a list of contracts concluded between PdF MU and foreign universities - the so-called Erasmus Exchange. Currently the student uses the Erasmus exchange of free study stays.

    Study stays - Europe

    Amount of scholarship

    Countries with a high cost of living

    Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

    Countries with an average cost of living

    Estonia, Cyprus, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Spain

    Countries with a lower cost of living

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey

    The scholarship for the studentship is based on the destination country:

    • countries with high cost of living - 660 EUR/month
    • countries with average cost of living - 600 EUR/month
    • countries with a lower cost of living - 540 EUR/month

    The scholarship for practical placements is based on the destination country:

    • countries with high cost of living - 750 EUR/month
    • countries with a lower cost of living - 630 EUR/month

    Possibility to increase the grant for socio-economically disadvantaged students.

    The grant is paid into a bank account in EUR with Komerční banka or in CZK with any bank in the Czech Republic. The account number must be entered in the IS MU.

    All students can also apply for other scholarship support through the Department of International Relations and Internationalisation of the MU Faculty of Education.

    Department of International Relations and Internationalisation

    Scholarship from PdF 3.A - Support for mobility of students within the Erasmus + programme

    It is possible to apply for further scholarship support under the Erasmus+ Scholarship Programme 3.A - Support for mobility of Erasmus+ students. The purpose of the programme is to support the international mobility of Erasmus+ students. The scholarship is intended for the financing of living costs and travel expenses associated with a stay abroad in selected European countries. Mobility is defined as a study or work placement abroad of at least 60 days.

    The scholarship must be applied for at least 40 days before departure!

    Scholarship from PdF 3.B - Support for study stays and practical internships outside the Erasmus+ programme

    Within the framework of the scholarship programme 3.B - Support for study stays and practical internships outside the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the scholarship programme is to motivate students to undertake stays in foreign institutions that are directly related to the subject of study (project, research project, grant, etc.) and thanks to which they will deepen their academic competences or practical experience. The programme offers financial support for the placement.

    The scholarship is paid upon return on the basis of submitted evidence of real costs to a bank account in CZK at any bank in the Czech Republic. It is possible to apply for an advance payment of up to 80% of the approved amount.

    Terms and conditions of stay

    The study stay is implemented only on the basis of valid contracts concluded between the relevant department of the Faculty of Arts of MU and the foreign institution.
    A list of contracts concluded at the Faculty of Arts can be found on the website:

    Currently, the student chooses from the Erasmus Exchange:


    • Specific departments will establish sub-conditions that are necessarily acceptable.
    • In the case of greater student interest, the department gives priority to its parent students, after which it fills the remaining vacant capacity with students from other departments.
    • A condition for successful completion of a study abroad placement is the acquisition of a minimum of 20 ECTS credits per semester of study at the host institution.
    • The student must be duly enrolled in studies at the Faculty of Education throughout the entire period of his/her trip, and must not terminate or interrupt his/her studies.

    Application and selection procedure

    The date of announcement and closing of the selection procedure is announced by the department offering the study stay. The selection procedure (usually 1st and 2nd round of Erasmus+) takes place in January/February 2024 and possibly April 2024 and will be for the academic year 2024/2025.

    Each department may set its own requirements for the selection of students. Each student must apply for the selection process using the application form in ISOIS.

    Registration form for MU outgoing students

    The date of announcement and closing of the selection procedure is announced by the department offering the study stay. The selection procedure (usually 1st and 2nd round of Erasmus+) takes place in January/February 2024 and possibly April 2024 and will be for the academic year 2024/2025.

    Each department may set its own requirements for the selection of students. Each student must apply for the selection process using the application form in ISOIS.

    After nomination and before departure

    • Completing and submitting the application form for a foreign university - usually available on the website of the receiving university
    • Concluding a Learning Agreement (LA)
    • Arranging accommodation
    • Online language support
    • Concluding the Participation Agreement
    • Travel insurance
    • Registration of stay in IS:
    • The student registers the study stay in the IS MU (Internships and stays in the Student section). Enter the type of stay, mobility programme and institution of stay and other required information. The student uploads the following documents for this placement: LA, Changes to LA, Confirmation of Studies, Transcript of Records.
      The procedure for entering the placement into IS MU can be found here:

    Records of stays

  • 2.During the stay

    During the stay

    Within a maximum of 30 days from the start of the semester at the foreign institution, the student has the right to amend the study or internship contract. All changes must be agreed in writing by both the sending and the receiving institution. Changes to the Learning Agreement must first be confirmed by the student at the foreign institution and then sent to the MU Departmental Coordinator at PdF MU for approval, who then sends them to the MU Centre for International Cooperation for confirmation.

    The student is obliged to upload the fully completed and signed form of change of study or internship agreement in electronic form to the internship or placement register in the IS. Original contracts are not removed from the placement record - documents are added!

    Extension of stay


    Extension of stay - the student submits an application through his/her coordinator at the CZS no later than 30 days before the planned end of the stay, it cannot be extended from the spring to the autumn semester.

    The student is not automatically entitled to funding for the extended stay, it is up to the sending institution to allocate financial support for the extended stay:

    • Extension without financial support: the student does not receive financial support, but retains Erasmus+ student status and its benefits (e.g. no tuition fees at the foreign institution, etc.).
    • Extension with financial support: the change in the total amount of financial support must be specified in an addendum to the participation contract, which the student signs before the end of the original period of stay.

    Shortening of stay

    Shortening of the stay is possible after the agreement of the student with the sending institution - the student sends a notification to his/her coordinator at the CZS.

    • The student will reimburse a pro-rata part of the financial support.
    • If the student does not comply with the minimum length of stay, i.e. 3 months, he/she is obliged to return the entire financial support paid.

    Changes to the study contract

    Changes to the study agreement - Changes to LA - must be agreed by the receiving and sending parties within 5 weeks of arrival at the foreign institution.

  • 3. Upon arrival

    Upon arrival:

    eturning from the study stay, the student is obliged to enter the Transcript of Records and Confirmation of Studies into the IS MU. After returning from the practical placement, the student is obliged to upload the Traineeship certificate/Confirmation of the Placement Period into the IS MU. Within 1 month after his/her return, the student applies for recognition of the courses taken abroad via the application in the section Recording data on internships, study and work placements. Doctoral students submit a paper application for recognition of course.

    Duties after arrival


    • within 10 days of the end of the study stay, submit to the CZS a confirmation of the actual duration of the study stay (Confirmation of Studies) and insert it into the IS for your stay
    • within 5 weeks of the publication of the results of the examinations, submit to the CZS a transcript of courses taken abroad and credits earned (Transcript of Records) and upload it to the IS
    • complete the final report (EU Survey) within 30 days of receiving the email invitation - online
    • The student will hand in the documents in person or send copies by email
    • Confirmation of Studies and Transcript of Records must be uploaded by the student to the MU IS and request recognition of courses

Recognition of subjects from abroad

Recognition of subjects

It is the student's obligation to have courses from abroad recognised in accordance with MU Rector's Directive No. 8/2011 Rules for the Recognition of Results of Foreign Study and Work Placements of Masaryk University Students

In order for items to be recognized, they must be loaded in Isu:

1. Confrimation of Studies // Confirmation of Placement Period

2. Transcript of Records


Instructions for the recognition of courses can be found here

State final exams in September


  • Exceptional opportunity to take the state final exams in September if the student is studying or working abroad in the spring semester
  • For more detailed information please contact the Study Department

Office for studies

English for Study Abroad


  • Course code is JV006 English for study abroad, 3 credits, credit
  • The course is open to students of any discipline
  • It is taught every semester
  • A course taught by the MU Language Education Centre, which serves to strengthen language and communication skills necessary for a successful stay abroad

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