Blíží se léto, a tak se nejspíš nevyhnete hovoru s vašimi studenty na téma prázdnin, dovolených a jejich plánů na toto období. Pojďme se společně podívat na nejoblíbenější destinace českých turistů a na výslovnost názvů některých zemí a jazyků, kterými se v nich mluví.
Maybe your pupils will be staying in the Czech Republic for the summer. In that case, it is good to know how to say:
I am going camping / staying at a campsite.
I am going on a cycling holiday.
I am going to South Bohemia.
I am going to spend a week in the mountains.
I am going to stay at our cottage/cabin.
But lots of people like to go abroad, with Croatia still the number one destination. In Croatia maybe your pupils will understand a bit of Croatian. The next most popular destination is Slovakia, where your pupils should be able to understand most of the local language, Slovakian or Slovak. Other popular seaside destinations include Italy and Greece, where the local languages are Italian and Greek. And also Spain, where the language is Spanish. Another popular seaside destination is Turkey, where they speak Turkish. And for mountains people often go to Austria, where the language is German. These days, Czech people also enjoy travelling to Africa, to popular places like Egypt, where the local language is Arabic, and Tunisia, where Arabic is also the official language. And more recently the United Arab Emirates have become popular, with lots of people visiting Dubai. They will need Arabic there too!
Která jsou ta nepravidelná?
In Portugal they speak Portuguese.
In Finland they speak Finnish.
In the Netherlands they speak Dutch.
In Norway they speak Norwegian.
And in Denmark they speak Danish.
Doufáme, že jsme aspoň trochu pomohly vašim žákům mluvit s jistotou o prázdninách, jazycích a cestování. Přejeme Vám krásné léto!
Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A. / Mgr. Jana Chocholatá, Ph.D.
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury, Pedagogická fakulta MU